Quick Tips to Conquering your Job Search

Taking the first step to begin your job search is always the hardest, but there is no reason not to start right now. You’re in the driver’s seat of this adventure, so let’s go! Let’s discuss four quick tidbits of getting the most out of your job search and how the PILLARS is here to support you.  

 Create a routine 

Block out specific time in your day to devote searching, applying, networking, rewriting your resume/cover letter, making calls to job leads, etc. Yes, this means to close the social media apps, turn “Do Not Disturb” on your phone, and ask your family, kids, friends, roommates to give you some space while you are working. Maybe even create a “Job Search” Spotify playlist and light a candle to help you focus. Creating a schedule and routine for yourself will get you in the zone to get the most of your job searching time.

Can’t get the peace and quiet you need at home? The PILLARS has a computer lab in the back of our space open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 am - 3 pm. To book a session in the computer lab, visit the PILLARS’s calendar

Diversify your strategy

So, you’ve been sending out resumes, and the phone isn’t ringing for interviews? It might be time to change up how you’re approaching your job search. Maybe you could stop by a construction site or coffee shop to inquire or drop off your resume, contact a temp agency, “build your network,” or call companies directly inquiring about open positions and how to apply. Diversifying your strategy will spread your web of opportunities for finding your next job!

Don’t forget that temp agencies are an excellent stepping stone to getting your foot in the door to gain full-time employment. Are you interested in additional help to widen your search? The PILLARS’s intern, Sapphire, is available Tuesdays, and Sapphire is in the office Thursdays. Email Sapphire@lets-talk-safety.org to set up a time to meet either in-person or via Zoom. 

 Connect with others 

Tell anyone and everyone you’re on the job market. And we mean everyone: friends, neighbors, family, the deli man … because you never know who will have a job lead! This is called “building your network” and is a valuable asset to any job seeker.  

The PILLARS offers various social opportunities to meet others to continue. 

Check out our calendar for upcoming offerings and to register. 

Practice Self-Care

Job searching is stressful! But that doesn’t mean you need to lean into those negative emotions. You are worth the time to put into yourself for some relaxation, so carve out time. Some examples of how you can practice self-care are: read a book for 30 minutes, take a walk around the neighborhood, practice breathing and mindfulness exercises, reach out to your support system, avoid processed foods and screens, or whatever you’ve put into your self-care toolbox.

Take advantage of the holistic healing programming the PILLARS offers, such as yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, and more! There are both virtual and in-person offerings

Check out these online physical and mental health resources like meditation and yoga that you can add to your self-care toolbox and practice right in your own home. 

Finally, ask for help

There are many job search resources out there, and the PILLARS is here to help, too. We have created workforce development classes three times a month just for you that include topics like, Career Skills, Financial Wellness, and Building Everyday Technology Skills. All the courses are FREE and taught by college professors from NYIT (New York Institute of Technology). Sign up for upcoming classes on our website https://www.pillarsnyc.org/trainings or reach out to (212) 222-3470.  

-Gina Gerhart, Project Manager