Staying Connected in Isolation

We’re all trying to navigate this season in time the best way we can. And while it’s hard to know what the best course of action is as individuals and as a community, there certainly are precautions we can take to stay safe. In addition to washing our hands, increasing cleaning of surfaces, sneezing/coughing into our arms, working from home where possible; it has also been advised to stay at home unless completely necessary to go out. And while this may be a safe practice physically, we know that isolation can be hard mentally. So here are some tips and tricks to help you stay connected in isolation!

  1. Call or Facetime with friends or family! Just because you can’t physically be with them, doesn’t mean that you can’t catch up and ask how they are doing.

  2. Use this time to do the things you’ve been procrastinating (yes, we see you!). Finish that book, change that lightbulb, make that schedule, start that painting, organize your closet.

  3. Focus on rest. Sometimes in our every day routines it can be hard to get enough sleep and rest. Use this time to allow yourself to rest and be refreshed.

  4. Cook and try new recipes. This is the time to refocus on nourishing our bodies and boosting our immunity. Why not make it fun and try a new recipe from Pinterest or an old cookbook?

  5. Journal and write letters. Journaling is great way to process your thoughts and emotions and make space mentally. Even 5 minutes a day can be helpful! And while you’re at it, why not send an encouraging note to someone else…we still love a good snail mail…or email ;)

  6. Work out at home. Don’t let isolation keep you from moving! Youtube offers many free workouts that you can do right at home. Or turn on some music and have a dance party!

  7. Meditate and practice gratitude. We will never stop talking about the importance of gratitude. It’s one of the best ways to combat anxiety is to find things to be grateful for in the midst of chaos. Make a list at the end of every day. Even if it’s one thing, focusing on that one thing can help ease stress and change your perspective.

We leave you with this quote from Jamie Tworkowski, “Conversations will not be cancelled. Relationships will not be cancelled. Love will not be cancelled. Songs will not be cancelled. Reading will not be cancelled. Self-care will not be cancelled. Hope will not be cancelled. May we lean into the good stuff that remains.”

-Miranda Cazin, Communications at The PILLARS