The Power of Gratitude

In the season of giving thanks, I thought we should take some time to talk about the power of GRATITUDE. I know, I know… sometimes it feels like there is nothing to be grateful for. In the endless pressures for money, time, energy not only in our workplaces, but in our homes. And not to mention, we live in NYC, which I think immediately doubles (at least) the pressure compared to other places, but I digress. We are constantly on edge and attuned to the needs of everyone around us. Ourselves, our families, our bosses, our fellow MTA commuters, and so on. By the end of the day, it’s easy to just want to crash, until we have to wake up and do it all over.

But, I wonder if there’s something we’re missing. I wonder if there’s something that could, even briefly, alleviate the anxiety that tries to plague us. And I wonder if this something is not found in our physical environments where all of these pressures live. I think it’s something internal, and I think it’s named GRATITUDE.

There is something powerful about taking even five minutes to reflect on what you are grateful for. It allows your internal reality to impact your external reality instead of the other way around. It eases anxiety, as your focus shifts to a positive standpoint. It produces joy, which let’s face it, is contagious to those around you! I think it also makes room for solutions to rise to the surface for those pressures we always seem to be entangled by.

My goal this season, is to spend 10 minutes every night reflecting on what I’m grateful for. And if it’s a person, I’m going to reach out and let them know! Perhaps, you want to set your own goal. If so, we want to hear from you! Let us know how a moment of GRATITUDE changed your experience with anxiety, encouraged someone else, or allowed you to unwind at the end of the day.

-Miranda Cazin, Communications at The PILLARS